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Topic 5: Capstone

Create an API with serverless functions that display movie information. Don't forget to create a GitHub repo and document in your

Capstone Steps

  1. Create Your Cloud Infrastructure:

    • Use an SDK to set up your cloud infrastructure.
    • You will need a NoSQL database, cloud storage, and serverless functions.
    • Depending on the cloud provider (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud), additional setup steps may be required.
  2. Prepare Your Data:

    • Find movie data or create it and store it in your cloud NoSQL db.
    • Store movie cover images of each movie in cloud storage.
  3. Create Serverless Functions:

    1. GetMovies: Returns a JSON list of all movies in your database. Ensure the response includes a URL for the movie cover.
    2. GetMoviesByYear: Returns a list of movies released in a specified year. The year is provided by the client.
    3. EXTRA CREDIT - GetMovieSummary: Returns a summary generated by AI for a specified movie.

Example Data Model

Your movie data model could look like:

"title":"title of the movie",
"releaseYear":"when the movie was released",
"genre":"genre of the movie",

Example API Endpoints

  • GetMovies
"title": "Inception",
"releaseYear": "2010",
"genre": "Science Fiction, Action",
"coverUrl": ""
"title": "The Shawshank Redemption",
"releaseYear": "1994",
"genre": "Drama, Crime",
"coverUrl": ""
"title": "The Dark Knight",
"releaseYear": "2008",
"genre": "Action, Crime, Drama",
"coverUrl": ""
  • GetMoviesByYear
"title": "Inception",
"releaseYear": "2010",
"genre": "Science Fiction, Action",
"coverUrl": ""
  • GetMovieSummary
"title": "Inception",
"releaseYear": "2010",
"genre": "Science Fiction, Action",
"coverUrl": "",
"generatedSummary": "A mind-bending sci-fi thriller about dream theft and manipulation."

Things you should be familiar with at the end of this phase


  • Variables: Understand how to declare and use variables.
  • Data Types: Familiarize yourself with different data types (e.g., strings, integers, lists, dictionaries).
  • Comments: Learn to write comments to document your code.
  • Functions: Learn to define and call functions.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Understand the basics of OOP (classes, objects, inheritance).
  • Lists: Learn how to create and manipulate lists.
  • Modules: Understand how to use and import modules.
  • Dictionaries: Learn to use dictionaries for key-value data storage.
  • Loops: Master loops (for, while) to iterate over data.
  • Control Statements: Understand conditional statements (if, else, elif).
  • Exceptions: Learn to handle exceptions and errors in your code.


  • Create a Git Repo Locally: Initialize a repository and add files.
  • Create a GitHub Repo and Clone It Locally: Understand the process of creating a remote repository and cloning it.
  • Create a Git Branch: Learn to work with branches.
  • Add Changes to a Git Branch: Stage and commit changes.
  • Merge Git Changes: Merge changes from different branches.
  • Document Code with a README: Write clear and informative README files.