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Topic 5: Database Deployment and Configuration

  • Study

    • PostgreSQL Basics and Fundamentals: Understanding the architecture of PostgreSQL, including tables, schemas, and users.
    • Learn how to install PostgreSQL on a VM: AWS, Azure and GCP
    • Access Control & Authentication: Learn how to use pg_hba.conf to manage authentication and enforce secure database access.

Test your Knowledge

Test your knowledge with an AI assistant, here are some example prompts to test your knowledge of relational database deployment and its configuration:

  1. Explain the key components of PostgreSQL architecture. How do tables, schemas, and roles interact?
  2. What are the steps to install and configure PostgreSQL on a Linux-based VM?
  3. How would you securely configure PostgreSQL for remote access within a private subnet?
  4. What is the purpose of pg_hba.conf, and how does it control authentication in PostgreSQL?
  5. Explain how to create and manage PostgreSQL users and roles with appropriate permissions.

Hands-on Task

Deploy a PostgreSQL Database in a Private Subnet.