Topic 2: Cloud CLI setup
Now we're going to setup your cloud environment. Make sure you've created an account with any of our supported clouds: AWS, Azure, or GCP.
Once you have an account, you need to get familiar with the cloud console of your selected cloud provider.
- Action: Getting Started with the AWS Management Console or Azure Portal or GCP Console
You should be a little familiar with your cloud console now. You can of course deploy things by clicking but we would rather you use the CLI.
- Study: Why use a CLI
- Action: Install the AWS CLI or Azure CLI or GCP CLI
CLI concepts you should know
- What is a CLI?
- The benefits of using a CLI vs a UI for cloud resource management.
- You created a cloud account.
- You installed a cloud cli.
- You configured the cloud cli with your account.
Great, when you're ready, move on.